20/05/09 | Once again me (Grazey) and Calsoft will be attending the multi-playform party (Outline) in the Netherlands! Expect some releases from ourselves and also gwEm who unfortunately can't make it. See you there!! |
15/02/08 | As a Valentine's day present to the demo and 8bit music scenes I give with love the next evolution of my Atari chip tracker: maxYMiser. gwEm / PHF |
18/08/07 | Couple of announcements!! First a biggy! We've got a new member of the PHF!! The first since Steely Dan joined us in 1990! Without further ado we welcome gwEm :) gwEm is the coder of the defacto standard in chip composition.. Maxymiser. He's also a dab hand at demo screens too. So welcome gwEm, nice to see our ranks swell to 3! The other much smaller announcement is I've released a small utility which converts Music Studio files directly to SNDH. See the misc page for more info. |
09/08/07 | SNDH-ED has being updated to v1.11. Just a small bug fix to do with loading SNDH files. |
15/05/07 | Once again Cal and Grazey attended Outline in Braamt / Netherlands. We released the only ST demo "Black Sheep" at the party, cutting edge code and graphics received a mighty reception at the competition on the Saturday evening. Anyway check out some photo's here. |
29/11/06 | Globotwars Final Edition is released, with tonnes of new features! |
15/08/06 | Ok, ok. I need to be severely slapped around the head. I've not done any updates on the site for ages!! So below are some news items I failed to mention. So see news items for 13/12/04!, 31/12/04, and 04/06/06. |
04/06/06 | The PHF attended the Outline demo party held at Zevenaar in the Netherlands. It was really nice to meet ST / PC sceners who we'd known 'virtually' for a number of years. We entered two PC games (both by Calsoft) and we we were dead chuffed to win the game compo!! with GLobotWars (see result file)
02/04/06 | Phew nearly a year from the last news item! Anyway we're not dead. Firstly my music ripping continues but now under the banner of SNDH.ATARI.ORG because of this there will be no more 'Grazey Zak Hack' disks. The archive currently contains over 4000 tunes so remember to check that site frequently. We're also developing a PC game, more of that soon! |
04/04/05 | Small update of SNDH to version 1.10. Bug fix. Grab it here |
03/03/05 | Grazey has released a nice cool SNDH editor. The program lets you modify the SNDH header, so you can change things like composer name, title etc. It also lets you load Sid Sound Designer Songs and save them in SNDH format. Plus its the first program to utitise the new SNDH v2 format. Grab it here. |
31/12/04 | I'm really proud and humbled to have received the 2004 lifetime achievement award from 505's tracking.atari.org here's the text from the site (as it's now closed) "Well, this one goes to a man who bravely stepped into a tricky business and did not get out of it anymore for quite some time. We are speaking of hacking expert Grazey/PHF, who is not only responsible for the biggest Atari music demo ever, but also delivered a lot of hacked music out of the weirdest productions. Now, Grazey decided to stop compiling his "Zak Hacks" this year. This is a bit sad, but regarding the amount of time Grazey must have spent in hacking and packing all those songs also a bit understandable. Anyway, thanks a lot for all the work in chipbusiness and also for creating a great base for a potential SNDH-archive! The Lifetime Award 2004 So, the show is over. Some visitors have tears in their eyes after seeing Grazey probably the last time on stage. Standing ovations for the award winners are waving through the hall (which fucking hall?;). And those who would have liked to win but didn't, put on an artificial smile on their face and applaud as well. ;-) See you next year... 505" |
13/12/04 | Bit of a rare event, Calsoft/PHF has actually finished a project!!! His hard-disk is cluttered with unfinished games for the A1200 and PC but Grazey's incessant moaning finally paid off with Cal raising the White flag. So the PHF are very proud to present BackGLash, a PC conversion of Paul Woakes classic ST / Amiga vector shoot-em-up Backlash! See the PC download area for more infomation. |
29/11/04 | Grazey's Zak Hacks #37, 38 & 39 are released. The final disks!! |
22/09/04 | Grazey's Zak Hacks #36 is out ("Jess 6") |
04/09/04 | Grazey's Zak Hacks #35 is out ("Snowdonia meets Number 6") |
26/07/04 | Grazey's Zak Hacks #34 is out ("He's DeMan!") |
22/07/04 | Grazey's Zak Hacks #32 and Grazey's Zak Hacks #33 are released. |
12/07/04 | Grazey's Zak Hacks #31 is out ("Glasto Mud") |
16/06/04 | Grazey's Zak Hacks #30 is out ("Bold MomeNts") |
06/06/04 | Grazey's Zak Hacks #29 is out ("eLeMentary") |
18/05/04 | Grazey's Zak Hacks #28 is out ("K" 'n' things) |
03/12/03 | Grazey's Zak Hacks #27 is out ("E" to "H" composers) - Release 1.01 4/12/03 |
24/8/03 | Grazey's Zak Hacks #26 is out ("D" and "E" composers) |
21/7/03 | A double whammy for ya, Grazey's Zak Hacks #24 (Numbers archive) and Grazey's Zak Hacks #25 (The "D" part A archive) hit the streets |
10/6/03 | Grazey's Zak Hacks #23 is released (The "A" n "B" archive). |
18/5/03 | Grazey's Zak Hacks #22 is released (The "C" archive). |
11/5/03 | Two news items in a day! Firstly I've uploaded PHF menus 6-18 now, so the entire Sewer Software Doc disks are now online. See the Sewer section. I've also added a little Amiga utility I wrote which reads ST disks and creates an ST image file, grab that from the Amiga section. |
2/5/03 | Grazey's Zak Hack #21 is released. This features all the songs from UMD8730 by composers beginning with "W". All are in the SNDH format, so they can be played on Atari or PC. |
06/10/02 | Finally, finally!! Ultimate Muzak Demo 8730 is released! Check out the UMD page! |
11/3/02 | What going on ? Two news items in two days!! Anyway I've included a text file listing the contents of the Sewer Doc Disks 1-30. (See the Sewer section). |
10/3/02 | UMD's release is soon, that's all I dare say! I'm made to many broken promises in the past. |
8/3/02 | Added PHF menus 1-5 to the "Get It" section. These contain Sewer Doc Disks 1-10. |
14/07/01 | The UMD intro is taking much longer than I thought. This is down to the intro needing to last 21 minutes! A hard task I think you'll agree. Current progress Intro 65% complete. |
05/06/01 | Lots of packers added to the ST Hacking tools page. |
03/0101 | Just received the final intro music specially composed for the demo. It's 21 minutes long and is easily the longest ST chip song ever composed. |
31/12/00 | STNICCC was brilliant. UMD8730 came third in the ST demo competition even though it was un-finished. It was great to meet up with people we've been in contact with for aeons and legends of the ST scene. |
03/09/00 | Well summer's over and what a busy summer it's been! Grazey's done the music festivals big style from Glastonbury to MTV Ibiza. Meanwhile Cal has donned his overalls for a spot of house renovating, however a nice nreak in sunny Barcelona awaits him in September. Back to UMD and it gets bigger and bigger! At last we break the 4000 tune barrier! |
11/03/00 | New Hacking tools download section added. Currently on Tao musics for inclusion in UMD 8720 , nearly there! |
12/12/99 | Finally fixed the links to my 'Zak Hacks' disqs. Composers beginnin with 'L' added. Worries about the amount of disqs, hard to say until I'm collated the zaks but current estimation 10! |
17/10/99 | UMD work continues. Currently upto composers beginning with 'J' e.g. Jess, Jedi, Jorowski, Joseph etc. Also finally fixed the broken links to UMD downloads , this was caused because of the DNA server going down. |
18/08/99 | Well UMD was very nearly shelved. A major hard-disk crash meant I lost about 2 months work. I was seriously thinking of packing it all ir. But a nice break in Cornwall watching the cloudy eclipse in Marazian gave me added motivation. Currently added composers A,B,C. |
13/06/99 | UUMD now has a new working title - "Ultimate Muzak Demo - 8720" , and no, that's not the total tunes included! |
13/06/99 | Finally the site gets an major re-design. |
15/05/99 | Ultimate Muzak Demo III part 2 now downloadable. |
12/01/99 | Zak Hacks 20 released. This is the first disk to comply with the SNDH format. From now on all my Zak Hack disks will be in this format and so hopefully be of use to a greater percentage of the Atari scene. |
21/11/98 | UUMD started. |
06/09/98 | Zak Hacks 19 released, GSR and Spd2EXE in Misc downloads. |
17/08/98 | Walls Of Illusion (English) now online in miscellaneous downloads section. |
06/08/98 | Zak hacks back online, thanks to Fatal Design. |
13/05/98 | Added my patch for ST New Unpack. Available in the ST miscellaneous downloads. |
17/04/98 | Added Grazey Gallery and much improved Links page |
16/02/98 | Added Amiga downloads, Zak Hacks 18 now downloadable. |
06/02/98 | Added new download logo By Slasher Bog / Special FX. |